The Jabs

The Jabs
Camera is a part of Us

Monday, 18 August 2014

Debby's bday

Hey guys it has been so long I didn't post anything in Jabs's blog. Sorry for that, bc I am too busy with my work..
Hm tonight I'm gonna share about an events that is common to be celebrated even it was late.
Haahah yup tonite im gonna share and inform you guys about Debby's birthday surprise.

7th August, Debby turned to 21st.
And in that day she felt so sick enough to wait a wishes frm her man just called him Deo.

She was in a galau situation, she texted me ( fanny ) about it and I suggested her to just wait on it. Then in the x day actually during the celebration. DEO came out and sang happy birthday to his lovely woman. And I know that Debby got surprised of it and began to cry and exactly bc of happiness. Then they celebrated it in Debby's home .

On the 11th August Debby got another surprised frm us "thejabs" . Idk even she realize that we will give her a surprise or not. We just try our best to make her birthday more special than before.
We brought her a chocolate birthday cake and gifted her a hardcase for her tablet. And she was surprised with all. We celebrated her birthday at Mcd. The Mcd management also gave her a one package of their pack as her birthday gift. It made Debby's day more delightful than she ever thought.  Hahaaha

It was pretty cool moment that we won't forget..

HAPPY birthday Deboiiiii
We love u ♥

Friday, 11 July 2014

I love them (Jabs)

I do praise the Lord who already giving me 4 best friends like them, as we know nowadays its difficult to find such a good friend who can accept u just the way u are and also accept ur weaknesses. I am not just praise the Lord but i also thanks God because I can be the luckiest girl in this universe bc i have them ( The Jabs ) as my best girls and best friends ever. Maybe we met each other in a quite strange condition, and even 5 of us don't know how it could be like this now on. We never have a plan to become a good best friend before in our first meeting. But maybe God has a wonderful plan for us. He gave us an opportunity to meet each other and know each other well, then be a good friends. I don't know how things wil going if i don't have them in my life. Tho I need them in my life bc they do support me a lot and also take care of me. I love my girls too much. Hope that we can keep this friendship till the rest of our life, no matter what will happen next..

Friday, 20 June 2014

History of The Jabs

The Jabs, merupakan sekumpulan cewek-cewek cantik, kece badai, cangak namun smart yang beranggotakan 5 orang. Ola, Debby, Fanny, Nita dan Elia itulah nama kelima anggota The Jabs. Satu hal yang harus saya terangkan disini, The Jabs bukanlah sebuah Genk namun lebih condong kepada persahabatan 5 cewek-cewek kece dan cangak. Wanna know them more? Let's check this out below !

 Name : Debora Caroline Grisselda
 DoB   : Tangerang, 7th August 1993
 Cewek cantik blasteran Ambon - Singkawang ini adalah salah satu  mahasiswi Sastra Inggris di sebuah Universitas Sastra, Tangerang. Saat  ini dia berada pada tingkat 6 atau semester 6. Hal favorit yang Ia sukai  adalah melakukan wisata kuliner. Ia hobby Makan dan Shopping. Cewek  yang suka dengan warna Biru ini mempunyai kebiasaan yang bisa  dibilang agak buruk. Ia sangat suka untuk mengigit sedotan sampai tak  berbentuk. ahhahahah.. Quite strange but thats her.....

    Name : Elia Mark Kusnadi
    DoB   : 24th January 1992
   Elia, cewek cantik bertubuh slim ini juga merupakan salah satu mahasiswi    sastra Inggris di sebuah Universitas Sastra, Tangerang. Ia juga berada pada    tingkat 6. Cewek yang sering kali dipanggil El ini adalah orang yang sangat    strict dengan berat ideal tubuhnya, hal ini dikarenakan ia adalah seorang        calon model. Elia juga dikenal sebagai anak yang cukup alim di The Jabs...

 Name : Rifanny
 DoB : Jakarta, 12th October 1993
 Cewek berbintang Libra ini juga merupakan salah satu mahasiswi  tingkat 6 Sastra Inggris di Tangerang. Cewek yang dikenal periang  ini sangat suka dengan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan make-up  and Hair-do. Ia dikenal sebagai anak yang tidak hanya baik dan  ramah namun juga akan sangat menyebalkan ketika Ia sedang  Unmood....

 Name : Nita Rosmayani
 DoB : 13th May 1993

 Cewek yang berhijab ini dikenal sebagai anak alim ke 2 setelah El  di The Jabs. Ia juga merupakan salah satu mahasiswi Sastra  Inggris tingkat 6 di Tangerang. Cewek yang mempunyai senyum  sumringah ini bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang Guru Bahasa  Inggris, sehingga ia mengambil major Education in English....

Name  : Yolanda Marcella S
DoB    : 16th March 1993

Cewek keturunan tionghoa ini merupakan salah satu mahasiswi Sastra Inggris tingkat 6 di Tangerang. Yola, begitu ia dikenal. 
Yola saat ini adalah salah satu atlit wushu wanita di kota Tangerang. Ia sangat mahir dalam wushu....

Sekian sedikit profile tentang mereka.. Wanna know them more? Go follow their TWITTER or add their FB. Hayooo coba cari tau sendiri ya..